Ludi Metallici Radio Show

dijous, de juliol 12, 2007

Avançament videoclip de FOSCOR

Trailer promocional del nou àlbum de Foscor "The Smile of the Sad Ones"...
Promotional New Album VIDEO Trailer

Imatges extretes del primer vídeo clip de la banda que properament presentarà com part de la imminent sortida del seu segon treball.

El tema escollit a estat "I Tornà de les Cendres".
Es va filmar al balneari de la Puda, un antic edifici abandonat i lo suficientment tenebrós per acollir a l'horda que integre la banda.

Foscor òbviament
Namtaru ( sense cap dubte fou tot un èxit... eternal grattitude dear Death )
Richard Rey
Oriol Porta
Davide Raganati

Moltes gracies a les actrius... increïble treball, dedicació i presencia

Carla... the Suffering girl
Namtaru... Death's Pressence

Promotional New Album VIDEO Trailer

Greetings all you there!!!

A promotional video trailer of the upcoming album, has been posted here.
It was recorded,( as the official photo session for the new album booklet ), at the "Balneari de la Puda", in Catalunya, a so old left and so cold building....
It's only the first video we show you prepared from the material recorded there, and works for a promotional use of the new album "The Smile of the Sad Ones"...

At the same time, let you see some of the material got during the recording sessions, and prepare your eyes for what will be the first complete official video for a Foscor song: "I Tornà de les Cendres".

Produced by FOSCOR
Directed and edited by Falke


Foscor members.... obviously
Namtaru ( without doubt your pressence got the success... eternal grattitude dear Death )
Richard Rey
Oriol Porta
Davide Raganati Thanks a lot to the actresses... incredible work, dedication, and pressence....

Carla... the Suffering girl
Namtaru... Death's Pressence

We will keep you informed about the complete video result...
A dark experience shared now with you all...
Darkness shall be...